A Silver Parachute!

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Warm embraces, soft knitted sweaters, and calming cups of chamomile fill my mind as I long for my mother. I haven’t seen her in ages and all the comforts she would swaddle me in are fading from my memory. My mother and I always connected with a dependency on each other. While my father would stand regally in a pressed suit with a bowtie gleaming in pretension, my mother would bring the serenity and calmness to our family. She always said that I made her feel like she meant something; like she had a bigger importance than just being the wife that lives in her important husband’s shadow. She was my confidant, my trusting coach of life, and I was that to her too. I can’t imagine how I would feel watching her on the fuzzy screen that eeks out death before proclaiming the anthem of a demented society.

Reality throws a cruel punch as I realize that mother has to watch me through that screen. Just as my heart is begging me to cry out my woes, a metallic-wrapped package floats down to me like an angel. The tsunami of bottled up feelings I have been holding on to leaks out as I let out a soft cry of joy and whisper thank you to the no-doubt sighing audience of this ridiculous show. I am expecting a message, an inspiration, anything to keep my hopes up, and when I see a camera, I want to smash it. I have been on camera while people die and kill and my mentor decides all I need is another camera? The smashing idea is pretty tempting, but I know that everything my mentor does is for a reason. As a little reflection of myself appears and a red dot turns on, joy dances in my heart and with a gasp I whisper, “Mother”.

2 thoughts on “A Silver Parachute!

  1. I love how heart felt and deep this was. You made me feel the rush of emotions that were being described in your post, and at parts it made me want to cry because there was so much emotion! Great Job!

  2. I really loved you explanation for your Voki. I could tell just how much you love your mom and I could feel the special bond you two have for each other. There was a lot of figurative language that really made the story come alive. I really can’t find anything wrong with this it’s so good.

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